!debug - Prints your most recently touched triggers in the console. !demos - Opens the servers demos folder page. !discord - Opens our discord server invite page. !donate - Opens our donation page. !events - Opens our events page. !flashlight - Toggles your flashlight. !forfeit - Forfeits your current turn in P-I-G. !fov - Sets your FOV. VIP
Usage: !fov [value]
Example: !fov 110
!gothere - Teleports to your crosshair. !gravity - Sets your gravity. VIP
Usage: !gravity [value]
Example: !gravity 0.5
!guide - Opens Jesse's Introduction to Trick.Surf. !help - Views useful commands. !hide - Hides other players models. !hidechat - Hides other players chat messages. !hidespec - Hides your name while spectating other players. !incompleted - Opens the players incompleted tricks page.
!prestrafe - Opens Dimy's prestrafe guide. !psay - Prints a private message to yourself in the chat. !random - Prints a random trick in the chat. !rank - Prints the players rank in the chat.
Example: !report Players are getting stuck at teleporter #1 on tsurf_skyworld.
!respawn - Respawns you if you're dead. !rngfix - Prints the status of the RNGFix uphill fix in the chat. !rp - Opens the players most recently set records page.
!rules - Opens our rules page. !saveloc - Saves your current location. !savelocs - Views saved locations. !setreplay - Sets your trick following replay. VIP
!settings - Manages your settings. !settrick - Sets your trick following.
Usage: !settrick [name]
Example: !settrick Authentic's Parachute
!sharedlocs - Manages your shared locations. VIP
Usage: !sharedlocs [#id]
Example: !sharedlocs #1
!shareloc - Shares a saved location. VIP
Usage: !shareloc [#id]
Example: !shareloc #1
!spawnweapon - ??? !spec - Moves you to spectator mode and sets your spectating target.
Usage: !spec [player]
Example: !spec mbsurfer
!specbot - Moves you to spectator mode and sets your spectating target to a bot.
Usage: !specbot [player]
Example: !specbot "Trick Replay"
!specinfo - Prints the spectators of a player in the chat.
Usage: !specinfo [name]
Example: !specinfo mbsurfer
!speed - Sets your timescale. VIP
Usage: !speed [value]
Example: !speed 0.5
!stats - Opens our stats page. !strip - Removes your equipped weapons. !surf - Opens Streebree's surf guide. !tele - Teleports to a location.
Usage: !tele [#id]
Example: !tele #1
!telenext - Cycles forward between saved locations. !teleport - Teleports to your latest used or saved location. !teleprev - Cycles backwards between saved locations. !thetime - Prints the servers current time in the chat. !timeleft - Prints the maps current time left in the chat. !timer - Toggles your timer. !togglevel - Toggles your zone velocity display. !tricks - Views available tricks.